Why Should Your Organization Participate in Missoula Gives & Bitterroot Gives?
Why Should Your Organization Participate in Missoula Gives & Bitterroot Gives?
Missoula Gives & Bitterroot Gives, an initiative of Missoula Community Foundation, is a 26-hour online celebration of the Missoula and Ravalli communities. It connects generous Missoulians and Bitterrooters with the causes they care about. It is a day to celebrate and support the role nonprofits (like you) and donors play in making our Missoula & Ravalli communities great.
Participating in Missoula Gives & Bitterroot Gives allows you to easily raise funds and share your story with a larger audience. Staff can attend free trainings including how to online fundraise, social media engagement, how to set up your page, and more! There is no better way to learn than to have training and then put it into practice.
This is an opportunity to expand your donor base, engage your board and volunteers in a step by step fundraising process, and expand your online presence. The platform we use provides a step by step process and chat help. We encourage you to register early so you can take advantage of trainings, advertising opportunities, and have the time to build a successful online campaign.