30 Second Ad Challenge
The Missoula Gives 30-second Ad Challenge is a great way to tell people about the great work your organization does to benefit our community. The 30-Second Ad Contest winners will have their ads shared on KPAX TV, social media, and streaming services. Winning Ads will be showcased on our social media and run on KPAX Media the week of Missoula Gives (social media, streaming, and television). This video can also be used on your giving day profile, in your future marketing efforts, and more. Share your stories and show us what you do. Submissions will be voted on by the public, so you will have an opportunity to push your ad out and have your supporters to vote for you. The top finalists will have their video aired on local television. You can do this, it doesn't have to be professionally done. Submitted videos for the 30-second Ad Challenge will be aired on our social media leading up to and during May 1 - 2.
There will be 4 winning videos awarded in the following categories; Small Nonprofit, Medium Nonprofit, Large Nonprofit and Ravalli County Nonprofit.
Submissions Open: March 1st - April 10th -- Submit HERE
Voting Period: April 15th-April 23rd
Winners on KPAX Media: April 28th-May 2nd
If you want some help in creating your video the wonderful team at MCAT is here to help, they can help you with green screens, production, and video editing. It is all FREE. You can choose to do your ad in their studio or you can have them come to you (fill out media grant assistance application, link below).
Note: You will need to create a login to access the studio assistance sign-up system. You can use the same login when submitting your video
MCAT is located at the Missoula Public Library. In order to have a finished video to submit by April 10, all studio production needs to be completed by March 28.
It is really important to follow the specification guidelines. Videos that do not follow the guidelines will not be eligible.
Key Eligibility Guidelines:
- The Ad must be 30 seconds (no longer or shorter)
- Do not used copyrighted music or images (MCAT and KPAX can help you with this)
- Video Format MP4
See the link below for a complete list of specs for the ads, if you have questions about your Ad we suggest that you call KPAX to ask: 406-542-4400